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alcohol abusealcohol abuse twoallergyallergy eggallergy foodsasthma inhalerasthma inhaler twoAsthma Inhaler threeBack pain pregnantBereavement burialbereavement coffinbereavement cremationbereavement deathbereavement dyingbereavement funeralbereavement gravebereavement gravestonebereavement hospicebereavement hospice 2bereavement hospice staffbereavement hospice staff marie curieBereavement open coffinblood nose bleedbreast self checkbreast self check twocancer breast tumourcancer lump neckcancer tumourcancer tumorscare plan healthdiarrhoea paindrugs harm babyepilepsyHayfeverheadachehygenehygene twoill coldill cold twoill cold threeill nauseaill vomitinginfectionlifting posturemeaselsmental health depressed alonemental health depressed wonman twomental health improvementmental health problemsmental health pschosisorgans internalpain stomach twopregnantpregnant birthsleep cansleep can'tsmokingsmoking badsmoking cancersmoking no cigarettesmoking cigarettessunbathing creamsuncream waterproofsun glassessun creamtemp coldtemp hottesticle self checkthroat food choketoilet constipationtoilet fecestoilet urineweighing selfweight lossfeet problemsfeet cut nailsfeet dressingfeet good shoesfeet nails cut too short
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